
I love You

英文 i love u
法国语 jet'aime
印度语 hum tumhe pyar karte hae
捷克语 miluji te
意大利语 ti amo
乌克兰 ya tebe Kahayu
德语 Ish libe Dish
华语 我愛你
希腊语 S'agapo
韩国语 sa rang hae yo
日语 ai shi te ru
罗马尼亚语 Te Ubsec
菲力槟语 mahal kita
西班牙 Te Amo

~~~Wa ai Li~~~~

The reason WHY i want to play game~~

i know that play game is nothing advantage for us..that jz can bring alot of trouble and problem for us.
but.. do u all know why i want to keep on playing game??
once of the reason is because it can enjoy me.
but the other reason is.. it can make some topic to talk between my brother and i~~
some time.. we will argue because of some little small thing..
but when the time we are discussing with the topic about GAME, we will forget about what just now we argue for..
so that why..what and why the reason i keep going on playing game..

recently.. i seldom playing online game already. i start to read some novel that is borrow from my friend.. i was enjoy on it.. the story is nice....
ai... that's nothing to let me write anything else.. that all..
P/s: write all of this not just because want let other people know what am i thinking about..but just for me to cop down those experience in my life..(broken English, please forgive~)





